A brow lift is achieved by injecting a carefully selected amount of neurotoxin around the hairline to lift your eyebrows up. The treatment is designed to raise sagging eyebrows and reduce “eyelid hooding.” This will give you a more youthful and “awake” appearance.
What To Expect During Treatment
After evaluating your appearance and severity of condition, our injectors will recommend a custom treatment plan then make a series of injections along your upper forehead. There’s little discomfort, and it takes about 15 minutes to complete the treatment.
After a brief waiting period, you’ll be free to continue your day. You may notice some swelling and bruising which should subside in a day or two following your treatment.
What Are The Results Of Treatment?
Within the first 3 – 7 days, you’ll start noticing improvements as the muscles relax. Lines will diminish and your brow will appear to be higher on your face. Typically, you’ll see the biggest change about two weeks after your treatment. This improvement will usually last three to four months before treatment will need to be repeated.
How To Learn More
To see if a brow lift is the right treatment for you, schedule and appointment with Moksha Aesthetics. Our team will explain all your treatment options and let you decide what’s best for you.
*For information on pricing, please call (240) 907-5009 or email info@mokshaaesthetics.com.