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Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850
At times, parents will have a special concern pertaining to their child’s complex health or behavioral issues. Potomac Pediatrics offers consult appointments when parents can discuss their concerns face to face with one of our physicians.
Some examples of parental concerns that would warrant a physician consult include:
Prior to any surgery requiring anesthesia, your child will need to have a pre-operative surgical clearance performed. At this visit we will assess your child’s risks for surgery and anesthesia, discuss the procedure, and review the anticipated course after the procedure. Ideally this visit is done within 7 days prior to the surgery. Most surgeons have a specific form to be filled out. Please bring any paperwork provided by the surgeon so that we may best assist you. Call the office to make your appointment when your surgery is scheduled.
Potomac Pediatrics will always be fully focused on helping your child and you to overcome any healthcare hurdle, with innovative, comprehensive and compassionate care.