The Kellogg Company has recently announced that it will begin adding peanut flour to a number of their Keebler and Austin brand cracker products.
By: Jane Henley, MS, RD, LDN. These products, listed below, are not generally associated with peanuts and are favorites of children. Please be aware of this change and check labels carefully! If you would like to read about why Kellogg has decided to make this change, which products are affected, and possible implications for their decision, click here. If you would like to share your thoughts on this decision, there are consumer resources for letting your voice be heard right here. Please be sure to alert those who care for your peanut-allergic family members of this potentially life threatening change, i.e. other family members, daycare providers, preschools, cafeterias workers, school nurses, etc.
Keebler® Brand: Club® & Cheddar Sandwich Crackers, Cheese & Cheddar Sandwich Crackers, Pepper Jack Sandwich Crackers and Variety Pack Sandwich Crackers
Austin® Brand: Cheddar Cheese Cracker Sandwiches, Grilled Cheese Cracker Sandwiches, Pepper Jack Cracker Sandwiches, and Variety Pack Cracker Sandwiches.