
Contact us online now

15204 Omega Drive

Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850


Dr. Amy Kaplan has a special interest in acne and the physical and emotional impact it has on adolescents. 

At times, parents will have a special concern pertaining to their child’s complex health or behavioral issues. 

Leran more about our ear piercing services.

The Health Habits Clinic is an interdisciplinary program designed to help children 10 years and older establish foundations of healthy living.

Learn more about our phlebotomy services.

Our bodies are made up of approximately 640 muscles and 206 bones, we are meant to MOVE. 

Recently, we are seeing more patients who need ongoing care management for chronic medical and mental health conditions. Improving access to same day sick visit care through POP NOW…

At times, parents will have a special concern pertaining to their child’s complex health or behavioral issues. 

Office Hours of Operation

Office Hours of Operation