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When to Schedule 24/7 Pediatric Appointments Near Rockville

When to Schedule 24/7 Pediatric Appointments Near Rockville

When your child is experiencing an illness or needs a lab test or possibly a minor procedure but a visit to the emergency room isn’t necessary, it can be very frustrating and scary.

If you’re wondering when and why to book 24/7 pediatric appointments near Rockville, keep reading!

What Are Five Reasons You Should Schedule 24/7 Pediatric Appointments Near Rockville?

Note: In the case of any life-threatening injuries or illness, be sure to visit the emergency room. Otherwise, your child may benefit from pediatric urgent care if your regular pediatrician is unavailable.

For one of these five concerns, you likely do not need the ER.

  • Chronic conditions: If your child struggles with a chronic condition like asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy, they should see their provider regularly. This prevents their condition from worsening and helps to address problems as they come, such as ineffective medications or new symptoms.
  • Fevers: If your child has a fever that’s accompanied by cold or flu-like symptoms, such as sneezing or coughing, then it’s important to seek medical attention. Catching a cold or flu in a timely manner makes it easier and quicker to manage.
  • Injuries: For serious injuries, including severe burns, broken bones, or head injuries, it’s important to seek medical attention at the closest emergency room. For minor and mild fractures, cuts, and similar wounds, it’s still important to schedule a visit with their pediatrician promptly.
  • Rashes / skin conditions: Another reason you may need to schedule 24/7 pediatric appointments near Rockville is because your child is experiencing a rash, especially if it’s unexplained. It may indicate a contagious illness or allergic reaction that requires medical evaluation.
  • Routine check-ups: There doesn’t have to be an urgent issue for your child to see their pediatrician. Routine visits are crucial to detect and address any problems before they worsen, ensure your child is in optimal health, and address questions about their development.

Trust Our Team at Potomac Pediatrics for Pediatric Healthcare When You Need It Most!

Here at Potomac Pediatrics, we offer several pediatric services for children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers!

Call us now at 301-279-6750 for questions or conveniently schedule online!